Expand your perspective for mobile development after your well-deserved summer break. By focusing on Open Source technology, you can extend your apps with new features. At the 5th Mobile Developer After-Work, the Austrian mobile developer elite and interested newcomers meet to exchange ideas and experiences. During the Codeweek of the European Union, we’re happy to announce that the Chamber of Commerce will be the event venue this time!
The Event
Listen to three sessions related to important and current topics for developers, delivered by domain experts. With free food & drinks, the After-Work also provides ample time for networking!
This time, the topics focus on integrating the world into your app: starting with Open Government Data, followed by interacting through proximity with NFC and iBeacons, up to developing scalable backends for the Internet of Things with open source technology.
Organisation & Sponsors
The event is organized by Mopius in close collaboration with Tieto. Thanks to the Austrian Chamber of Commerce / UBIT as well as the Open Source Experts Group for the venue! Through the support of Microsoft and NetIdee we can provide you with food and drinks – thanks a lot! In addition, Nokia Developer again provides some goodies; also JetBrains (the developers of ReSharper) and adduplex have reserved great prices for the community.
17:00: Registration opens
17:30: Event-Start, Welcome
Andreas Jakl, Mopius
Helmut Krämer, Tieto
Ivo Radulovski, Opensource Experts Group UBIT
17:40: netidee – funding for your apps – Austrias biggest Internet funding campaign
Ernst Langmantel, Vorstand Internet Foundation Austria
17:45: Developing the Mobile Back-End and Services for the Internet of Things with the Open Source ASP.net vNext Framework – the Node.js for Large-Scale Apps.
Roman Ranzmaier, Sportsbook Software AG
18:25: Break
18:40: Integrating Apps into the Real World with IBeacons, NFC and Apache Cordova. Real-life app development with the new Open Source NFC Library for JavaScript / C#, which is supported by netidee. Plus: iBeacons overview and technical background!
Andreas Jakl, Mopius
Patrick Steiner, Appaya
19:10: Open Device Lab Vienna: Test your app for free on a huge amount of devices!
Roland Schütz, studioQ
19:15: Open (Government) Data: Current state in Austria. The Open Data Portal Austria. Activities in the D-A-CH-LI region.
Brigitte Lutz, Municipal Authorities of the City of Vienna, Speaker of the Cooperation OGD Austria
19:50 to 21:00: Networking with free food & drinks
Registration is now open and free of charge – seats are limited, so reserve your place now! Head on over to wpdev.at to sign up.