With 56 developers attending and six experts on stage presenting topics related to open source technologies for mobile apps, the previous Mobile Developer After-Work event was a great success and fun for all attendees! Read on for the session slides, pictures and the results of the event feedback forms.
Session Slides
A tremendous amount of knowledge is contained in the live sessions by domain experts. To follow up with the information, we have collected all the speaker slides and put them up for download:
The package contains the following slides:
Event Photos
To relive the event, check out the collection of photos on Flickr. Thanks to everyone participating in the Twitter Photo contest: the four best pictures won – Nokia Developer sponsored the cool yellow/greenish Nokia wireless Bluetooth speaker with bass vibration, a portable charger. JetBrains gave out two licenses for any of their products, to be selected by the lucky winners – worth up to €200 for each license!
Your Feedback
We want our community members to get the maximum out of the Mobile Developer After-Works – this is why we always hand out a feedback form and analyze the statistics to constantly improve the event. Most of the questions stay the same between the events to ensure that we can compare the events. The good news is: we were able to stay at the same high level set by the previous events!
To thank you for handing in the feedback forms, we will also shortly send out $50 AdDuplex vouchers to promote your mobile apps!